Why do we hate Jews? What have they done? According to Adolf Hitler, the infamous Nazis leader, the Jews are jerks who steals people's works, and they are liars who live like normal in front of other people, but they show their real malicious side among each other. However, the Jews are well known to be the source of suffering of Muslim community in Middle-East which is Palestin. The Jews took their lands, and did almost the same thing that the Nazis did to them. We need to notice, that being powerful, and being the best is all human's dream. It doesn't have to be the Jews. Just look at people around us first. Do we act in a better way than the Jews? Thus, we shouldn't label them as GOOD or EVIL because in the end, the Jews are just normal humans with the hunger to survive in this cruel world. But it is true that we need to be careful around Jews, AND other people too, since human are unpredictable.
All these thoughts of mine are triggered after watching a movie entitled THE PIANIST. It shows a lot of gruesome scenes that taught me that not all the Jews are bad, and they are also human who can feel pain, inability, and sadness.
Tears. The pain he felt when all his people and his hometown is wiped out. (The Pianist, 2002)