FROM HELL. True or Fiction?

The content of the letter is:_

From hell

Mr Lusk
I send you half the Kidne I took from one women prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise. I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer

Catch me when you Can Mishter Lusk.

In the Jack the Ripper case that I have previously briefed, there are some hints that were being sent by the killer (or impostors?). Though, the experts denied the exactness of the letters. Is it really being written by the Ripper? The first letter received from Jack the Ripper was on 25th September. It was sent to the Central News agency. Later on 1 October, a postcard was received by the police. The police believed that it was from the same person with the first letter. It was because the postcard referred on the first letter, and yet, there is no one knows about the first letter since it was not published.

Even so, there was no evidence that supports the fact that the real Ripper is the one that wrote all of the letters and the following letters after the first two. I think that the letters are merely journalist or other people that try to make this case become more interesting.

Among all of the letters received, there is one interesting letter that has been sent in a small parcel. It was sent to George Lusk, a former vigilance committee in Whitechapel. The content of the parcel was half a human kidney, and the letter from the killer. It was stated that the kidney was from the victim, Catharine Eddowes. I am sure that the kidney was from the victim, because Eddowes suffered from Bright’s disease, and the kidney does look like it was from someone who suffered Bright’s disease.

This letter was the one that have been sent with a kidney that was believed to be Catherine Eddowes’, one of the victims. It was one of hundreds letters that were noticed by the investigators at that time. Another fact that distinguishes this letter from others is this letter was signed with “From Hell”, and not “Jack the Ripper” like other letters. This letter is also suspected being written by a lower class people with low education because of the low literacy level compared to another letters.

Is this letter real or not…? We can’t tell since the evidences were lost in time. But many experts said that it was just some gruesome joke by medical students who can lay their hands on things like a kidney.

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